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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

Housing Group in New York Calls for Rent Strike

As of Thursday, April 16, millions of Americans have received their stimulus money deposited into their banks, with millions more bringing the IRS website to a complete halt while seeing if they're eligible. Tens of mill...

Coronavirus, the Homeless Community, and Brewing Anger

Amanda Law is a successful Californian who just so happened to be born in Asia. She earns a six-figure salary, has a palatial home in the San Francisco Bay area, and has two dogs that she loves to walk. Golden retriev...

Students Weigh Choices as Colleges Reopen

The vast majority of America's universities closed down entirely in the middle of March, three months ago now, leaving tens of thousands of students who stayed on-campus without anywhere to live. For most of these students, th...

Will Urban Dwellers Move to the Suburbs Because of Coronavirus?

There has been talk that COVID-19 could permanently change the housing market in the U.S. The thought was that people would be moving out of cities because they are afraid of crowded conditions leading to spread...

Mini Housing Boom in July Stands as Hopeful Indicator

Life in America has been more than a little stressful in 2020. Even if one were to magically take away all of the protests and riots that erupted over systemic injustice in American policing, and even if one happened t...

Best Real Estate and Housing Blogs to Add to Your Required Reading List

One of the best ways to learn more about the real estate and housing market is to spend a dedicated amount of time each week reading respected blogs about the topic. Regardless of if you are a novice to...

Do You Plan to Buy a House for The First Time? Here's How to Prepare for the Purchase

Most homebuyers face different challenges when purchasing property for the first time. For example, some buy homes in the wrong location or buy a property with different deformities because...

Experts Predict a 20% Housing Crash in 2023

The housing market in America is certainly going through a very difficult time as of right now. Since 2020, home prices have more than doubled; fewer homes are being built than in the past 70 years in the country; and bidding wars...

Things You Need To Know About The Housing Market

In today's rapidly changing world, housing has become a critical issue for people across the globe. Adequate housing is a fundamental human right and crucial in determining an individual's overall well-being and qua...